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Company Name 公司名称 | ANHUI AUHER ALUMINUM TECHOLOGY CO.,LTD. 安徽优合铝业科技有限公司 |
Country/Region 国家/地区 | Anhui Province, China 安徽省广德市 |
Booth Number 展位号 |
Hall.1-1208 |
Anhui Auher Aluminum Technology Co.,Ltd is dedicated to world-class precision aluminum alloy wheels. We manufacturer and develop our own design and control quality producing and selling union. We are conveniently located in the beautiful city of Guangde,Anhui Province and only 250KM to the Hangzhou Airport. Auher Company was founded in 2011, with a facility area of 60 units, and with the capacity of 1000.000 wheels per year; we can meet the largest of expectations with quality.
Auher’s 250 employees,are dedicated to producing the finest quality product covering painting,hyper,vacume chrome,chrome,machine and ranging from 13” to 28”. We export worldwide to countries including USA,JAPAN,East Aisa,The Middle East and others. Our company Mission Statement at Auher is uncompromising “Quality is First”. To accomplish this mission we insist on in-house Development by our own technology.
Additionally, our products conform to stringent International Standards including ISO. Furthermore, we have built and implemented our own quality systems and built various testing systems specific to Auher company. All of these procedures and systems form the whole testing machine which is at the center of the VIA lab and exemplifies our Mission Statement and commitment to our customers “Quality First” Why such exacting standards? To ensure that each wheel is the perfect wheel, this is goal of every member of Auher Company.
安徽优合铝业科技有限公司是一家集自主开发、设计、生产、销售为一体的汽车铝合金轮毂专业制造商,公司座落于风景秀丽的安徽广德市,交通便利。 优合公司创建于2011年,具备年产100万件汽车铝合金轮毂的生产能力,拥有职工250余人,产品覆盖13-28寸各种全涂装轮、高亮银、高亮黑、真空镀膜、电镀轮等汽车铝合金轮毂,同时远销美国、日本、英国、东南亚等十几个国家和地区。 公司始终坚持贯彻质量第一的方针,坚持科技创新的理念,以ISO质量体系为依托,不断创新,不断完善,建立了适合本公司的各项检验制度,形成了以VIA实验室为中心的全套检验设备。 每一个出自优合公司的轮毂都是完美的轮毂,这是我们优合人始终为之奋斗的目标。
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